Healey et al. 1969

Healey, Alan and Isoroembo, Ambrose and Chittleborough, Martin. 1969. Preliminary notes on Orokaiva Grammar. 18. 33-64. Canberra: Australian National University.

  address    = {Canberra},
  author     = {Healey, Alan and Isoroembo, Ambrose and Chittleborough, Martin},
  booktitle  = {Papers in New Guinea Linguistics 9},
  pages      = {33-64},
  publisher  = {Australian National University},
  series     = {Pacific Linguistics, Series A},
  title      = {Preliminary notes on Orokaiva Grammar},
  volume     = {18},
  year       = {1969},
  iso_code   = {okv},
  olac_field = {syntax; general_linguistics; typology; semantics},
  wals_code  = {oro}