Abisay, Indey and Mentanawai, Dyawaytow and Collier, X. 1983. Ate dite date Tabla peu pere = Percakapan-percakapan dalam bahasa Tabla = Tabla conversations. Jayapura, Irian Jaya: Summer Institute of Linguistics in cooperation with Universitas Cenderawasih.
@book{Abisay-et-al-1983, address = {Jayapura, Irian Jaya}, author = {Abisay, Indey and Mentanawai, Dyawaytow and Collier, X.}, publisher = {Summer Institute of Linguistics in cooperation with Universitas Cenderawasih}, title = {Ate dite date Tabla peu pere = Percakapan-percakapan dalam bahasa Tabla = Tabla conversations}, year = {1983}, iso_code = {tnm}, olac_field = {typology; syntax; general_linguistics}, wals_code = {tbl} }