Ikegami 1975

Ikegami, J. 1975. An Evenki vocabulary containing words of three Siberian dialects with Japanese entry words and Russian equivalents 1. Bulletin of the Institute for the Study of North Eurasian Cultures / Hokkaido University 9. 61-92.

  author     = {Ikegami, J.},
  journal    = {Bulletin of the Institute for the Study of North Eurasian Cultures / Hokkaido University},
  pages      = {61-92},
  title      = {An Evenki vocabulary containing words of three Siberian dialects with Japanese entry words and Russian equivalents 1},
  volume     = {9},
  year       = {1975},
  iso_code   = {evn},
  olac_field = {syntax; typology; general_linguistics},
  wals_code  = {eve}