Zeitoun et al. 1996

Zeitoun, Elizabeth and Huang, Lillian and Yeh, Marie M. and Chang, Anna-H. and Wu, Joy J. 1996. The Temporal, Aspectual, and Modal Systems of Some Formosan Languages: A Typological Perspective. Oceanic Linguistics 35. 21-56.

  author     = {Zeitoun, Elizabeth and Huang, Lillian and Yeh, Marie M. and Chang, Anna-H. and Wu, Joy J.},
  journal    = {Oceanic Linguistics},
  pages      = {21-56},
  title      = {The Temporal, Aspectual, and Modal Systems of Some Formosan Languages: A Typological Perspective},
  volume     = {35},
  year       = {1996},
  iso_code   = {pwn},
  olac_field = {syntax; typology; general_linguistics},
  wals_code  = {pai}